Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest

Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest

More Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest Entries

Spaghetti Dinner at Fishermen's Hall ~ Frank Taylor ::

Old Dory on the Bank of the Fraser River ~ Frank Taylor :: LFCA.caSPAGHETTI DINNERS AT FISHERMEN’S HALL will long be remembered by those who came to enjoy a delicious meal in the company of family and good friends. Frank Taylor dug into his Hall memories and found this nugget, as well as one of an old dory laying on the bank of the Fraser River… thanks Frank!

LFCA is reaching out to again ask all who have historical images in your photo albums to dig deep and consider submitting your fishing and/or Hall memories to the Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest. We know the time frame from launch to closing date on November 30th is tight, but we also know how much fun it will be for you to share your memories.

Following are just two of several more historical photos submitted by Bev Galbraith‘Beverly Ann’ Christening ~ and Lauretta Ellens ~ ‘First Waltz’ at Birch-Ellens Wedding. Check ’em out online… Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest Entries

Beverly Ann Christening ~ Bev Galbraith + First Waltz at Birch-Ellens Wedding ~ Lauretta Ellens ::

‘Beverly Ann’ Christening … ‘First Waltz’ at Birch-Ellens Wedding

Please also make plans to join in the Fishermen’s Hall 75th Anniversary Celebration on November 24th… more info is available on the LFCA web site and on the Ladner Fishermen’s Hall Facebook page.

Psssst… if you haven’t already LIKED the LFH page on Facebook, please do!

Amp it uptime is running out… enter your photos TODAY!

Ladner Fishermen’s Cooperative Association

Ladner Fishermen's Hall logo without name ::

Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest

Marsons ~ Good Fishing Days ::

Martinolich ~ The Block :: LFCA.caFISH HALL 75 IS ON A ROLL… thanks to new entries by Steve and Nancy Martinolich.

Fresh photos from Steve and Nancy complement those photos that were ‘first past the post’ by Mairi Maxwell. These images illustrate the rich fishing heritage in Delta, British Columbia and wonderful memories of great times at Ladner Fishermen’s Hall.

We know it’s a ‘short fuse’ with the Fish Hall 75th Photo Contest accepting photo entries from October 18th thru November 30th, yet we know Delta fishing families and their friends will dig deep and pull amazing memories out of your photo albums.

Amp it upenter your photos TODAY!

Ladner Fishermen’s Cooperative Association

Ladner Fishermen's Hall logo without name ::