Ladner Fishermen’s Hall has its roots in Port Guichon, BC
TIME TO CELEBRATE the Fishermen’s Hall 75th Anniversary!!!
The Social Committee for Ladner Fishermen’s Hall has been busy making plans to ensure that our 75th Anniversary will be a very memorable occasion, one to remember as THE event for everyone and anyone who joins in the celebrations on November 24th 2018.
Festivities will commence at 1:00 pm as an Afternoon Social with special guests, time to renew friendships and listen to reflections of our 75 years in the community. Ladner Fishermen’s Hall is one of the very best locations in Ladner to host dinner parties, weddings, fundraisers, dances and more!
Celebrations on November 24th…
- Afternoon Social ~ 1:00 pm thru 4:00 pm… time to reconnect with family and friends at Ladner Fishermen’s Hall; enjoy speeches, reflections, historic photo displays and slideshow, live music, finger food and beverages.
- Evening Dance ~ 7:00 pm until late… more reflections and celebrations, live music featuring The Karmichaels, dancing and fun, fun, fun! Please note… you must have a ticket to attend the Evening Dance.

The Karmichaels
Bruce Stevens, President of Ladner Fishermen’s Cooperative Association / Ladner Fishermen’s Hall, will welcome families, friends and guests, as our Master of Ceremonies. He will also present a President’s Speech, and invite guest speakers to say a few words and share highlights of life and times at Ladner Fishermen’s Hall.
Make plans now to join us on November 24th… anytime between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm, and 7:00 pm thru to midnight. It will be a great time celebrating our 75 years and, should you come, you will be able to say… “I partied at the Fishermen’s Hall!”
On behalf of LFCA, we look forward to seeing you there!
Bruce Stevens
President, LFCA / LFH
Ladner Fishermen’s Cooperative Association